Data Campaigns: Zapier-like data transformations in


This feature lets you trigger a campaign with data of any shape, from any HTTPS source outside of You can transform your incoming data, associating it with a person (as an event), updating a person (with an identify call), or even transform it and send it to a third party.

Data Campaigns: Zapier-like data transformations in

When you set up a campaign, you can use the new Data arrives via webhook option. Provide this unique URL to an external service, like Satismeter, Stripe, or Zendesk, to send data to your workspace.

Then, in your data campaign, you can reshape your incoming data using liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}.—like {{trigger.<property>}}. This lets you access properties from your incoming data and re-shape them:

  • As an event that triggers a campaign to a person
  • As an attribute update to add information to a person
  • As a Slack notification to alert a channel when high-priority events happen
sequenceDiagram Participant A as Incoming service Participant B as Participant C as Person C->>A: Person does something in your system A->>B: Trigger webhook rect rgb(229, 254, 249) Note over B,C: Update attributes B->>B: Identify person with webhook data end rect rgb(229, 254, 249) Note over B,C: Send messages B->>B: transform data to event B->>C: trigger message campaign end

This is just the first iteration of our data campaign feature. We’re planning to expand this feature in new and exciting ways. If you have a particular use case for external data in, let us know how we can help you!

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