Data Pipelines API


With the Data Pipelines API source (shown in the UI as the HTTP source), you can send data from anywhere directly to Data Pipelines without using an SDK. See our API documentation for more information about the Data Pipelines APIs.

 Examples on this page use our US region

If you’re in our EU region, you’ll use endpoints beginning with instead.

Connect a Data Pipelines API source

  1. In the Data Pipelines tab, click Sources.
  2. Click Add Source and select HTTP under the General category.
  3. Name your source. This will help you find and recognize your source in moving forward.
  4. Configure your API call using the provided API key.
  5. Test that your source is connected. This will fail if you have sent no data through our Data Pipelines APIs or have sent data without the provided API key. You can choose to retest the connection or install your source at a later time.
  6. Select Complete Setup once your source is connected.

After you’ve installed your HTTP source, you can start making your own calls and add a destination to work with your new source.


The identify method tells Data Pipelines who the current website visitor is, and lets you assign unique traitsA key-value pair that you associate with a person or an object—like a person’s name, the date they were created in your workspace, or a company’s billing date etc. Use attributes to target people and personalize messages. Attributes are analogous to traits in Data Pipelines. to a person.

You should call identify when a user creates an account, logs in, etc. You can also call it again whenever a person’s traits change. We’ve shown a typical call with a traits object, but we’ve listed all the fields available in an identify call below.

You can send an identify call with an anonymousId and/or userId.

  • anonymousId only: This assign traits to a person before you know who they are.
  • userId only: Identifies a user and sets traits.
  • both userId and anonymousId: Associates the data sent in previous anonymous page, track, and identify calls with the person you identify by userId.
  • anonymousId string
    A unique substitute for a User ID in cases when you don’t have an absolutely unique identifier. Our libraries generate this value automatically to help you track people before they sign up, log in, provide their email, etc.
    • active boolean

      Whether a user is active.

      This is usually used when you send an .identify() call to update the traits independently of when you’ve “last seen” a user.

    • channel string
      The channel the event originated from.

      Accepted values:browser,server,mobile

    • ip string
      The user’s IP address. This isn’t captured by our libraries, but by our servers when we receive client-side events (like from our JavaScript source).
    • locale string
      The locale string for the current user, e.g. en-US.
    • userAgent string
      The user agent of the device making the request
      • content string
      • medium string
        The type of traffic a person/event originates from, like email, or referral.
      • name string
        The campaign name.
      • source string
        The source of traffic—like the name of your email list, Facebook, Google, etc.
      • term string
        The keyword term(s) a user came from.
      • Additional UTM Parameters* string
      • keywords array of [ strings ]
        A list/array of keywords describing the page’s content. The keywords are likely the same as, or similar to, the keywords you would find in an HTML meta tag for SEO purposes. This property is mainly used by content publishers that rely heavily on pageview tracking. This isn’t automatically collected.
      • name string
        The name of the page. Reserved for future use.
      • path string
        The path portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to the canonical path which defaults to location.pathname from the DOM API.
      • referrer string
        The previous page’s full URL. Equivalent to document.referrer from the DOM API.
      • search string
        The query string portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to from the DOM API.
      • title string
        The page’s title. Equivalent to document.title from the DOM API.
      • url string
        A page’s full URL. We first look for the canonical URL. If the canonical URL is not provided, we’ll use location.href from the DOM API.
    • Enabled/Disabled integrations* boolean
  • timestamp string  (date-time)
    The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally took place. This is mostly useful when you backfill data past events. If you’re not backfilling data, you can leave this field empty and we’ll use the current time or server time.
    • createdAt string  (date-time)
      We recommend that you pass date-time values as ISO 8601 date-time strings. We convert this value to fit destinations where appropriate.
    • email string
      A person’s email address. In some cases, you can pass an empty userId and we’ll use this value to identify a person.
    • Additional Traits* any type
      Traits that you want to set on a person. These can take any JSON shape.
  • userId string
    The unique identifier for a person. This value should be unique across systems, so you recognize the same person in your sources and destinations.


The track method tells us about actions people take—the events people perform—on your site. Every track call represents an event.

You should track your audience’s activities with events both as performance indicators and so you can respond to your audience’s activities with campaignsA series of actions that you perform for each person who matches criteria. Campaigns typically send people a series of messages, but you can also use campaigns to send webhooks, update attributes, etc. in Journeys. For example, if your audience performs a Video Viewed or Item Purchased event, you might respond with other videos or products the person might enjoy.

You can send events with an anonymousId or a userId. Calls that you make with an anonymousId are associated with a userId when you identify someone by their userId.

Track calls require an event name describing what a person did. And they generally include a series of properties, providing additional information about the event. Beyond that, we’ve provided a complete schema for writable event fields below, and you can find more information in our API documentation.

    • active boolean

      Whether a user is active.

      This is usually used when you send an .identify() call to update the traits independently of when you’ve “last seen” a user.

    • channel string
      The channel the event originated from.

      Accepted values:browser,server,mobile

    • ip string
      The user’s IP address. This isn’t captured by our libraries, but by our servers when we receive client-side events (like from our JavaScript source).
    • locale string
      The locale string for the current user, e.g. en-US.
    • userAgent string
      The user agent of the device making the request
      • content string
      • medium string
        The type of traffic a person/event originates from, like email, or referral.
      • name string
        The campaign name.
      • source string
        The source of traffic—like the name of your email list, Facebook, Google, etc.
      • term string
        The keyword term(s) a user came from.
      • Additional UTM Parameters* string
      • keywords array of [ strings ]
        A list/array of keywords describing the page’s content. The keywords are likely the same as, or similar to, the keywords you would find in an HTML meta tag for SEO purposes. This property is mainly used by content publishers that rely heavily on pageview tracking. This isn’t automatically collected.
      • name string
        The name of the page. Reserved for future use.
      • path string
        The path portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to the canonical path which defaults to location.pathname from the DOM API.
      • referrer string
        The previous page’s full URL. Equivalent to document.referrer from the DOM API.
      • search string
        The query string portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to from the DOM API.
      • title string
        The page’s title. Equivalent to document.title from the DOM API.
      • url string
        A page’s full URL. We first look for the canonical URL. If the canonical URL is not provided, we’ll use location.href from the DOM API.
  • event string
    Required The name of the event
    • Enabled/Disabled integrations* boolean
    • Event Properties* any type
      Additional properties that you want to capture in the event. These can take any JSON shape.
  • timestamp string  (date-time)
    The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally took place. This is mostly useful when you backfill data past events. If you’re not backfilling data, you can leave this field empty and we’ll use the current time or server time.
  • userId string
    Required The unique identifier for a person. This value should be unique across systems, so you recognize the same person in your sources and destinations.


The Page method records page views on your website, along with optional extra information about the page a person visited.

    • active boolean

      Whether a user is active.

      This is usually used when you send an .identify() call to update the traits independently of when you’ve “last seen” a user.

    • channel string
      The channel the event originated from.

      Accepted values:browser,server,mobile

    • ip string
      The user’s IP address. This isn’t captured by our libraries, but by our servers when we receive client-side events (like from our JavaScript source).
    • locale string
      The locale string for the current user, e.g. en-US.
    • userAgent string
      The user agent of the device making the request
      • content string
      • medium string
        The type of traffic a person/event originates from, like email, or referral.
      • name string
        The campaign name.
      • source string
        The source of traffic—like the name of your email list, Facebook, Google, etc.
      • term string
        The keyword term(s) a user came from.
      • Additional UTM Parameters* string
      • keywords array of [ strings ]
        A list/array of keywords describing the page’s content. The keywords are likely the same as, or similar to, the keywords you would find in an HTML meta tag for SEO purposes. This property is mainly used by content publishers that rely heavily on pageview tracking. This isn’t automatically collected.
      • name string
        The name of the page. Reserved for future use.
      • path string
        The path portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to the canonical path which defaults to location.pathname from the DOM API.
      • referrer string
        The previous page’s full URL. Equivalent to document.referrer from the DOM API.
      • search string
        The query string portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to from the DOM API.
      • title string
        The page’s title. Equivalent to document.title from the DOM API.
      • url string
        A page’s full URL. We first look for the canonical URL. If the canonical URL is not provided, we’ll use location.href from the DOM API.
    • Enabled/Disabled integrations* boolean
  • name string
    Required The name of the page.
    • category string
      The category of the page. This might be useful if you have a single page routes or have a flattened URL structure.
    • Page Properties* any type
      Additional properties tha tyou want to send with the page event. By default, we capture `url`, `title`, and stuff.
  • timestamp string  (date-time)
    The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally took place. This is mostly useful when you backfill data past events. If you’re not backfilling data, you can leave this field empty and we’ll use the current time or server time.
  • userId string
    Required The unique identifier for a person. This value should be unique across systems, so you recognize the same person in your sources and destinations.


The Screen method sends screen view events for mobile devices. These help you understand the screens that people use in your app.

    • active boolean

      Whether a user is active.

      This is usually used when you send an .identify() call to update the traits independently of when you’ve “last seen” a user.

    • channel string
      The channel the event originated from.

      Accepted values:browser,server,mobile

    • ip string
      The user’s IP address. This isn’t captured by our libraries, but by our servers when we receive client-side events (like from our JavaScript source).
    • locale string
      The locale string for the current user, e.g. en-US.
    • userAgent string
      The user agent of the device making the request
      • build string
        The specific build number in the app.
      • name string
        The name of the app.
      • namespace string
        The app’s namespace.
      • version string
        The version of the app the call originated from.
      • advertisingId string
        The advertising ID is a unique, anonymous ID for advertising.
      • id string
        The device ID.
      • manufacturer string
        The device manufacturer.
      • model string
        The device model.
      • name string
        The device name.
      • type string
        The device type—android, iOS, etc.

        Accepted values:android,ios

      • version string
        The firmware version for the device.
      • bluetooth boolean
        Lets you know if bluetooth is enabled on a device.
      • carrier string
        The cellular carrier the phone uses.
      • cellular boolean
        Indicates whether the device’s cellular connection is enabled or not.
      • wifi boolean
        Indicates whether a device’s wifi connection is enabled or not.
      • name string
        The operating system running on the device.
      • version string
        The version of the OS running on the device.
    • Enabled/Disabled integrations* boolean
  • name string
    Required The name of the screen the person visited.
  • timestamp string  (date-time)
    The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally took place. This is mostly useful when you backfill data past events. If you’re not backfilling data, you can leave this field empty and we’ll use the current time or server time.
  • userId string
    Required The unique identifier for a person. This value should be unique across systems, so you recognize the same person in your sources and destinations.


The Group method associates an identified person with a group—like a company, organization, project, online class or any other collective noun you come up with for the same concept. In Journeys, we call groups objectsNot to be confused with a JSON object, an object in is a non-person entity that you can associate with one or more people—like a company, account, or online course. You can use objects to message people based on changes to their company, account, or course itinerary..

Group calls are useful for destinations where you maintain relationships between people and larger organizations, like in! In Journeys, you can store groups as objectsNot to be confused with a JSON object, an object in is a non-person entity that you can associate with one or more people—like a company, account, or online course. You can use objects to message people based on changes to their company, account, or course itinerary., and trigger campaigns based on a person’s relationship to an object—like an account, online class, and so on.

Find more details about group, including the group payload, in our API spec.

 Include objectTypeId if Journeys is a destination Journeys lets you set up groups (called objectsNot to be confused with a JSON object, an object in is a non-person entity that you can associate with one or more people—like a company, account, or online course. You can use objects to message people based on changes to their company, account, or course itinerary.) of different types; the object type is an incrementing integer beginning at 1. If you use Journeys as a destination, you should include the object type ID or we’ll assume that the object type is 1.

    • active boolean

      Whether a user is active.

      This is usually used when you send an .identify() call to update the traits independently of when you’ve “last seen” a user.

    • channel string
      The channel the event originated from.

      Accepted values:browser,server,mobile

    • ip string
      The user’s IP address. This isn’t captured by our libraries, but by our servers when we receive client-side events (like from our JavaScript source).
    • locale string
      The locale string for the current user, e.g. en-US.
    • userAgent string
      The user agent of the device making the request
      • content string
      • medium string
        The type of traffic a person/event originates from, like email, or referral.
      • name string
        The campaign name.
      • source string
        The source of traffic—like the name of your email list, Facebook, Google, etc.
      • term string
        The keyword term(s) a user came from.
      • Additional UTM Parameters* string
      • keywords array of [ strings ]
        A list/array of keywords describing the page’s content. The keywords are likely the same as, or similar to, the keywords you would find in an HTML meta tag for SEO purposes. This property is mainly used by content publishers that rely heavily on pageview tracking. This isn’t automatically collected.
      • name string
        The name of the page. Reserved for future use.
      • path string
        The path portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to the canonical path which defaults to location.pathname from the DOM API.
      • referrer string
        The previous page’s full URL. Equivalent to document.referrer from the DOM API.
      • search string
        The query string portion of the page’s URL. Equivalent to from the DOM API.
      • title string
        The page’s title. Equivalent to document.title from the DOM API.
      • url string
        A page’s full URL. We first look for the canonical URL. If the canonical URL is not provided, we’ll use location.href from the DOM API.
  • groupId string
    Required ID of the group
    • Enabled/Disabled integrations* boolean
  • objectTypeId string

    If you use Journeys as a destination, this value is the type of group/object your group belongs to; object type IDs are stringified integers. If you don’t include this value, we assume the object type ID is 1. See objects in Journeys for more information.

    You can include this value as objectTypeId at the top level of your payload or as object_type_id in the traits object.

  • timestamp string  (date-time)
    The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally took place. This is mostly useful when you backfill data past events. If you’re not backfilling data, you can leave this field empty and we’ll use the current time or server time.
    • object_type_id string

      If you use Journeys as a destination, this value is the type of group/object your group belongs to; object type IDs are stringified integers. If you don’t include this value, we assume the object type ID is 1. See objects in Journeys for more information.

      You can include this value as objectTypeId at the top level of your payload or as object_type_id in the traits object.

    • Group Traits* any type
      Additional traits you want to associate with this group.
  • userId string
    The unique identifier for a person. This value should be unique across systems, so you recognize the same person in your sources and destinations.


The Alias method combines two previously unassociated user identities. Some destinations automatically reconcile profiles with different identifiers based on whether you send anonymousId, userId, or another trait that the destination expects to be unique. But for destinations that don’t, you may need to send alias requests to do this.

In general, you won’t need to use the alias call; we try to handle user identification gracefully, so that you don’t need to merge profiles. But you may need to send alias calls to manage user identities in some destinations.

For example, in Mixpanel it’s used to associate an anonymous user with an identified user once they sign up.

  • previousId string
    Required The userId that you want to merge into the canonical profile.
  • userId string
    Required The userId that you want to keep. This is required if you haven’t already identified someone with one of our web or server-side libraries.
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